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Weeping Tile Installation & Repair in Edmonton & Area

Proper filtration stone cover on weeping tile

Abarent can help you install your weeping tile if it was built before the Building Code mandated it or replace it, if it is the old style and dysfunctional. A thorough inspection by our qualified experienced estimator will ensure your weeping tile is not accumulating sediments or water under the floor slab and working the way it should be.

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How Is A Weeping Tile Installed?

Weeping tile installation can be accomplished by ensuring safe excavation either using manual techniques or a mini excavator.

To comply with building code regulations, a minimum of 6 inches of clean stone is mandatory. However, we believe in going beyond the standard requirements by installing a greater depth of clean stone; this not only enhances sediment filtration but also provides improved drainage.

The drainage of weeping tile may vary depending on the municipality, and it can either be directed towards a sump or storm sewer. It’s important to note that weeping tile and French drain are not interchangeable terms. A French drain is installed just below the ground surface to direct water to a specific location, whereas weeping tile is laid adjacent to a foundation’s footing.

At Abarent, we have successfully resolved numerous weeping tile problems, including issues such as collapse, blockage, and improper installation.

New weeping tile installation with a T to sump tie in

How to replace existing weeping tile

Weeping tile can become clogged due to high sediment and or sand content in the soil. Homeowners should watch for signs of dysfunctional weeping tile or non-existence, such as ephlorenesence on the basement floor or up the base of the wall along with under slab water. When weeping tile becomes dysfunctional, it needs to be addressed immediately to prevent further damage.

Steps to replace existing weeping tile:

  • Excavation of the soil around the foundation wall
  • Removal of the old weeping tile
  • Inspection of the wall for any signs of cracks or damage
  • Laying down crushed stone for trench drainage
  • Installation of new weeping tile
  • Backfilling the trench with clean stone
  • Covering the new weeping tile with soil
  • Grading newly laid soil away from the foundation

We emphasize the importance of proper care during excavation and removal to prevent damage to the foundation walls. It’s of the utmost importance that installation procedures are strictly adhered to, including the use of the correct stone, filter fabrics, and/or weeping tile sock to prevent sediment buildup, blockage, and loss of drainage.

How to Prevent Weeping Tile Issues

Even when weeping tile is installed following Building Code requirements, there may still be future issues if the type of soil the weeping tile is installed into is very high in fine sediments. These sediments could lead to blockage.

Our experience allows us to determine and recommend measures to protect weeping tile from future collapse and/or sediment blockage issues. We look for every possibility on how a failure can occur and how to prevent it. Do a repair project right the first time.

What does a weeping tile repair cost in Edmonton?

Weeping tile installations and/or replacement projects could start at $2000 and go to $30000 or more. There are a lot of factors in determining price. A proper evaluation from one of our experienced estimators is the first start to determining scope and budget.

We like to perform our work efficiently and send out a proper sized crew for each project. Most weeping tile and foundation repair projects can be completed in 3 to 7 days.

Weeping tile installation and foundation repairs are not a DIY project. There are safety implications when excavating and experience is required to determine the proper mode of remediation. Application of the proper repair products and membranes should only be done by trained and experienced professionals. An incorrectly done project could lead to further more costly issues.

Have Questions About Weeping Tiles?

Call Our Edmonton Foundation Specialists for Your Estimate