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Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

COVID-19: Abarent Construction Ltd. Business Continuity Plan

February 16, 2021

We’d like to take this opportunity to let you know what our office will look like in response to current events surrounding COVID-19.  We will continue to strive to provide safe service our client needs through this difficult time. Presently we are still taking calls, booking estimates and performing work under the following protocol as an essential business:

Please review our COVID-19 Safety Plan.

The office is closed to the public except by appointment.

Is done over the phone by calling the Main Office Number at (780) 448-2592. You may also go to our web-site abarent.dev01.myzone.tech and fill out a contact form or direct email inquiries may be submitted at info@abarent.net

Currently all salespeople follow a stringent protocol on protection for the client and themselves. Masks are being worn and social distancing of 8 feet or more is mandatory along with stringent hand washing. Clients are to warn our office if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 or simple cold like ailments. In this case the estimate will be re-scheduled to keep all involved safe. Estimates will be issued in digital form only.

Currently one Engineer, Konstantin Ashkinadze P. Eng., is doing all of the inspections following a stringent protocol on protection for the client and for himself.  Masks are being worn and social distancing of 8 feet or more is mandatory along with stringent hand washing. Clients are to warn our office if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 or simple cold like ailments. In this case the inspection will be re-scheduled to keep all involved safe. Reports will be issued in digital form only.

If we are working onsite at a client project. All of our staff will be following a Strict Safety Protocol related to Covid-19, including but not limited to mask wearing, gloves, social distancing along with stringent hand washing. Staff will not be traveling in vehicles with more than 3 people. All staff have been educated on Covid-19 and its transmission so that they fully understand the boundaries. Any staff member experiencing any symptoms or not following protocols will not be allowed to work.

Covid-19 and how we are effected, is evolving. Given that, we too will continue to evolve as we work to align with the recommendations and updated changes from the World Health Organization (WHO), Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and Alberta Health Services (AHS).  We appreciate your patience and understanding while we manage this situation and work through unforeseen obstacles. We will continue to keep our communication up to date, as new information is available.

It is important through this difficult time that we support each other and local business safely. Thank you for your patience and trust in Abarent Construction Ltd. We are working hard to ensure continuity of your needs and projects while enforcing proactive measures to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, clients and partners in these unique times.


Kevin Braddell
President and CEO

Email: kevin@abarent.net or Cellular: 780-499-8340


Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

Spring Maintenance for Your Home

Worker Cleaning Gutters

Now that Spring has arrived in Edmonton & Vancouver, it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning. We put together this list of exterior and interior inspections and fixes you can do before a problem gets out of hand.

Exterior Inspection

Eaves Troughs

You should clean you eaves troughs to allow for proper drainage and inspects the walls for any signs of water staining that may have been caused by the eaves overflowing. Make sure downspouts drain away from the foundation and are clear and free of debris. Improper drainage can lead to water getting into your basement or crawlspace.


A visual inspection of your roof should be done to identify any damaged shingles or roofing materials as well as any areas that pests can use to gain access to your homes attic.


There are several different types of siding that your home may have. Regardless of the type, there are some general things that you should watch for in order to maintain the protective envelope of your home.

  1. Check for loose or missing sections. Most siding is meant to withstand the elements, but the walls behind your siding are not. Have any loose or missing sections fixed immediately.
  2. Power washing your homes siding can serve two purposes; the first is to get rid of any insects that may be in the seams so they don’t build nests or cause any damage to your home; and the second is to clean any build up of dust.


Monitoring the state of the caulking and weather proofing around your windows can prevent air infiltration and any other elements that may lead to heat loss or even mold. Simply adding weather stripping and replacing the caulking can go a long way.


Inspect concrete wall for signs of cracks or movement. The sooner you identify and deficiencies in your foundation, the less likely you are to experience any unnecessary damage loss of structural integrity or water damage inside your home. Always have a qualified professional assess the scope of work that needs to be done in order to determine the best foundation repair solutions.

Sump System

Maintaining your homes sump system will ensure that it provides continued protection to your basement while the ground around your home becomes saturated.

  1. Abarent recommends that you manually activate your pump at least once per month in order to make sure that it is fully functional and hasn’t burned out become clogged.
  2. Keep track of the age of your pump and replace it every 2 years or as per manufacturers specifications.
  3. Reconnect your discharge hose (which should have been disconnected over the winter).

Interior Inspection


  1. Depending on the kind of furnace filters you use, either clean or replace your filters on a regular basis. This means at least every 90 days, and more often if you have pets or allergies.
  2. Check your heating ducts for dust and animal hair, and remove large amounts. If your ducts haven’t been professionally cleaned for a while, book a cleaning with a professional service.

Weather Stripping and Caulking

Inspect the caulking on bathtubs, showers, sinks, and back splashes twice a year, and repair as needed. Check and repair weather stripping around exterior doors, windows and vents to the outside.


  1. Vacuum fridge and icemaker condenser coils, as well as the screen of your oven’s range hood. Your appliances’ manufacturer provides instructions on inspection and maintenance. Check your owner’s manuals from the time of purchase, or the company’s website.
  2. Replace old appliances as necessary with energy-efficient models. This can help you save money in the long run.


Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

Signs of Foundation Problems

There are some obvious signs of foundation problems that you can see inside your home like fractures in the concrete or efflorescence and water staining along the walls, but if you have a finished basement then looking for those signs isn’t always an option.

Here are some other ways to identify a foundations problem:

Check the exterior perimeter of your home

Remember that you are not just looking for fractures on the walls, but any bulges or leaning. You also want to pay attention to the grading of your yard, is it shedding away from your home or towards it? Depending on what you find you maybe able to mitigate the problem by re-grading or repairing your eaves trough.

Check your drywall and doors

Inspect your drywall for cracks or shifting, and check your doors to see if they catch or jam as you open and close them. This could indicate that your foundation is settling and there could be a structural issue that needs to be addressed.

Whether you’re currently experiencing a problem, buying a home, or just want to put your mind at ease getting a professional opinion is always a good way to start! Learn more about our detailed Inspection Services.


Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

Do Foundation Issues Affect The Resale Value of Your Home?

Something that we find a lot of clients are worried about when considering options to fix their foundation is whether it is going to affect the resale value of their home. This is a reasonable fear and usually stems from the assumption that if they have any repairs done it will be like a red flag to any potential buyers who may then try to use it to negotiate a lower offer.

In any event, a homeowner must disclose any existing issues and repairs that were completed as a result. However, if the repairs were done properly and by a reputable contractor then in most cases they will have no affect on the value of the home at all. In fact, by repairing the existing issues prior to the sale of your home you are preventing an opportunity for the potential buyer to use the issues as a negotiation tactic and in turn preserving your homes value.

There are a few steps that you can take in order to ensure you are doing everything you can to protect your homes value, most of which is carefully selecting the right contractor for the work.

For more information on properly selecting a contractor, check out our helpful guide with questions you should be asking before signing on the dotted line. We also have a printable checklist to keep handy.

We offer foundation inspections and repairs in Alberta and BC. We have offices in Edmonton and Vancouver.


Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

Getting More Use Out of Your Basement

Far too often the basement becomes a storage unit or an under-utilized dead zone. This may have happened because it was left unfinished or the windows are too small and don’t provide enough natural light. It could also be that the layout isn’t suitable for your needs.
The options for turning your basement into a space that you are excited to use don’t have to be daunting.


One of the biggest factors that contribute to a basement feeling like a dungeon is the lack of natural light. If you plan on renovating, consider having the windows enlarged and possibly adding more. Building code now requires having more than one way out of a basement. So making the windows large enough to act as means of egress will also help you maximize the amount of natural light entering the space.

Adding some recessed lighting in the ceiling and some wall-mounted lighting can also help make the space more inviting and allow it to accommodate a variety of uses.


Finding an option that suites your style and is water-resistant is an absolute must when choosing flooring for your basement. Using the existing exposed concrete slab and adding the proper paint, stain, or epoxy to it can allow for a high quality look without worrying about water damage in the event of a flood. For areas at risk of flooding, consider basement waterproofing.

Many older homes in Southern Alberta were built without the use of a vapor barrier underneath the floor slab, so installing a subfloor to allow the concrete to breath will go a long way in preventing any future problems as a result. This option opens up the possibility of using vinyl tile or laminate hardwood on top of the sub floor.

No matter what option you use, it is important that it is installed by a qualified professional to reduce the possibility of damage from moisture and mold.

Space Design

When you’re deciding what to add or change you want it to be an extension of the rest of your home. Whether your basement is finished or unfinished, bringing in an experienced draftsperson can enable you to explore a variety of space designs to get the most out of what you have or do a complete makeover. Even something as scary as cutting bigger window openings in your foundation can be done with very little stress.

The key is in the planning! When you make any changes to your home you need to be sure that whomever you hire is designing to current building code standards and addresses all of the aspects that the design may have on the functionality of the space.

Have more questions? Contact us for help.


Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

Why Use a Structural Engineer

Having a structural engineer involved in the repair process for your project can be beneficial for many reasons. Your home foundation is something that is susceptible to a variety of factors that can easily have an affect on its structural integrity. Most homes were designed and built to fit under a generalized set of rules. An engineer brings a specific set of skills to every project so that we can evaluate where those rules fell short. Abarent is equipped with an APEGA Permit to Practice and an in house Engineer who they can work with to come up with a customized solution for the underlying cause of the fracturing or settlement that is occurring.

Unfortunately in this industry we all too often find ourselves at a project where one of our competitors has tried to repair a foundation using poorly and/or under designed solutions. It is important to use a qualified professional with the necessary credentials and experience in order to ensure every project is being completed properly and your investment is not being compromised.

Basement Before Repairs

Basement After Repairs

basement after

Qualifications of a Structural Engineer

An engineer is a person that is trained and skilled in the design, planning, and construction of an existing or new structure (residential and commercial). To become an engineer in Canada, they must possess and adhere to the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering at an accredited post secondary institution (4 – 5 years).
  • Work as an Engineer In Training (EIT) for a minimum of 2 years under someone with a Professional Engineer (P. Eng) designation.
  • Successfully complete a professional practice exam in their respective province.

Once an engineer meets these qualifications they may then receive their P. Eng designation and are then bound by their provincial code of ethics.

Some things to look for when trying to determine whether an engineer meets these qualifications are:

The APEGA Permit To Practice

“Any company that engages in the practice of engineering or geoscience in Alberta as part of its business must have a Permit to Practice with APEGA.” Company Permit To Practice. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2017


The stamp is issued to a professional engineer by the association (APEGA for example) and comes bearing the engineering associations seal.

An engineer will use their stamp when when they are authenticating documents. The stamp will be accompanied by the engineer’s signature and the date the document was authenticated.

Engineering Reports

Once an engineer has had the opportunity to do a thorough inspection of the foundation they can then identify any underlying causes of structural issues that the foundation may have. They may provide a description of a recommended course of action to repair the damages and prevent any further issues if deemed necessary. This report can serve as a plan for contractors to follow during the repair process or it may be required prior to the sale of a home.

In some cases a contractor may offer to do an inspection report, but they maybe more inclined to suggest repairs that help their bottom line. Having a licensed engineer complete the report ensures that the recommended remediation plan isn’t being padded with unnecessary items that aren’t required to fix the problem.

Engineers Stand Behind Their Word

When an engineer receives their designation they are bound by the governing body for their respective provinces. They are legally liable to prevent against harm or loss to another person as a result of their work. Having an engineer diagnose a problem or create a repair / design plan can enable you to move forward without needing to get another opinion from an unqualified contractor.

Learn more about the engineering services we offer and let us know how we can assist you.


Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

Nancy Wiebe

Nancy has been with Abarent for over 4 years. Nancy brings a working knowledge with experience in construction for many years. Nancy is the “voice” of Abarent Construction Ltd and is there to greet client’s most days with their requests and questions. Her knowledge of our company and industry is always helpful and reassuring. She takes her role as Office Manager and client’s interests personally and works hard to ensure everyone is taken care efficiently.


Posted by: Abarent Construction Ltd.

Ron Renzula – Operations Manager

Ron brings a strong construction background to the Abarent team and knows how essential it is to be a driving force in the company managing all operations using his extensive experience in all fields of construction. Ron enjoys working closely with office staff paying close attention to detail always making time to work along side the field staff. Ron’s works on building relationships with Abarent’s clients through each of their construction processes. Ron’s commitment to the Abarent team is widely felt and reflects in our projects and our client satisfaction.

What our customers say

(We) were very pleased with the services that your company provided to Woodvale Colony Park, and especially appreciated your efforts in helping us understand and resolve the problem. We would not hesitate in recommending your company for future work.

Woodvale Colony Park and Estate Management

We have had our fair share of unremarkable and even troublesome experiences with other contractors, so you guys were certainly a breath of fresh air. An honest contractor, bang on with the timeline, finished on time, within budget, your "nothing is too much trouble" attitude...and a job well done.

Michael Abbott

Abarent provided a 3-page, itemized list of the specific work to be done at each stage of the project, including descriptions of optional issues (including additional costs) that might arise during the work. The company president did the initial walk-through for their estimate and later went through it, line by line. He pointed out potential problems and things we had to prepare for during the work (extra cracks, concrete dust, effects on neighbors, etc.)... Repairing a foundation is a very traumatic event for any householder because all of your house investment is (literally!) in the air. If you have to do it, call Abarent. They are professional - we cannot recommend them highly enough.

John Baker

Access to the site was a challenge. Material to be removed and replaced had to be loaded into wheelbarrows and pushed uphill and down. It was an arduous undertaking and the men on the job worked very hard. The work ethic and discipline of the crew was impressive. As well, we were very pleased with the workmanship and clean-up following completion of the project.

Owen and Linda De Bathe

Call Our Edmonton Foundation Specialists for Your Estimate